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1import numpy as np 


3from yasfpy.particles import Particles 

4from yasfpy.initial_field import InitialField 



7import numpy as np 



10class Parameters: 

11 """ 

12 The Parameters class represents the parameters for a simulation, including wavelength, refractive 

13 indices, scattering particles, and initial field, and provides methods for computing angular 

14 frequency and wave vectors. 

15 """ 


17 def __init__( 

18 self, 

19 wavelength: np.array, 

20 medium_refractive_index: np.array, 

21 particles: Particles, 

22 initial_field: InitialField, 

23 ): 

24 """Initializes the class with the given parameters and sets up the necessary variables. 


26 Args: 

27 wavelength (np.array): An array that represents the wavelengths of the light being used. 

28 It contains the values of the wavelengths at which the simulation will be performed. 

29 medium_refractive_index (np.array): An array that represents the refractive index of the 

30 medium in which the particles are located. It contains the refractive index values at different 

31 wavelengths. 

32 particles (Particles): An instance of the "Particles" class. It represents the particles 

33 present in the medium. 

34 initial_field (InitialField): An object of the `InitialField` class. It represents the 

35 initial field configuration for the simulation. 

36 """ 

37 self.wavelength = wavelength 

38 self.medium_refractive_index = medium_refractive_index 

39 self.wavelengths_number = wavelength.size 

40 self.particles = particles 

41 self.initial_field = initial_field 


43 self.__setup() 


45 def __setup(self): 

46 """The function sets up the necessary computations for omega and ks.""" 

47 self.__compute_omega() 

48 self.__compute_ks() 


50 def __compute_omega(self): 

51 """The function calculates the value of omega using the wavelength.""" 

52 = 2 * np.pi / self.wavelength 


54 def __interpolate_refractive_index_from_table(self): 

55 """Interpolates the refractive index values from a table for different wavelengths. 


57 Returns: 

58 refractive_index_interpolated (np.array): An array that contains the interpolated refractive index values for the particles 

59 at different wavelengths. 

60 """ 

61 refractive_index_interpolated = np.zeros( 

62 (self.particles.num_unique_refractive_indices, self.wavelength.size), 

63 dtype=complex, 

64 ) 

65 for idx, data in enumerate(self.particles.refractive_index_table): 

66 table = data["ref_idx"].to_numpy().astype(float) 

67 n = np.interp( 

68 self.wavelength / 1e3, 

69 table[:, 0], 

70 table[:, 1], 

71 left=table[0, 1], 

72 right=table[-1, 1], 

73 ) 

74 k = np.interp( 

75 self.wavelength / 1e3, 

76 table[:, 0], 

77 table[:, 2], 

78 left=table[0, 2], 

79 right=table[-1, 2], 

80 ) 

81 refractive_index_interpolated[idx, :] = n + 1j * k 

82 return refractive_index_interpolated 


84 def __index_to_table(self): 

85 # TODO: do all the idx to value conversion here 

86 pass 


88 def __compute_ks(self): 

89 """Computes the values of k_medium and k_particle based on the refractive index of the 

90 medium and particles. 

91 """ 

92 self.k_medium = * self.medium_refractive_index 

93 if self.particles.refractive_index_table is None: 

94 self.k_particle = np.outer(self.particles.refractive_index, 

95 else: 

96 table = self.__interpolate_refractive_index_from_table() 

97 self.k_particle = ( 

98 np.take(table, self.particles.refractive_index, axis=0) 

99 *[np.newaxis, :] 

100 ) 


102 unique_radius_index_pairs = np.zeros( 

103 ( 

104 self.particles.unique_radius_index_pairs.shape[0], 

105 self.wavelength.size + 1, 

106 ), 

107 dtype=complex, 

108 ) 

109 unique_radius_index_pairs[:, 0] = self.particles.unique_radius_index_pairs[ 

110 :, 0 

111 ] 

112 unique_radius_index_pairs[:, 1:] = np.take( 

113 table, 

114 self.particles.unique_radius_index_pairs[:, 1].astype(int), 

115 axis=0, 

116 ) 


118 self.particles.unique_radius_index_pairs = unique_radius_index_pairs