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1import yasfpy.log as log 

2from time import time 


4import numpy as np 

5from math import ceil 

6from numba import cuda 

7from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator 


9# from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform 

10from scipy.special import spherical_jn, spherical_yn 


12# from scipy.special import hankel1 

13# from scipy.special import lpmv 


15from yasfpy.parameters import Parameters 

16from yasfpy.numerics import Numerics 

17from yasfpy.functions.spherical_functions_trigon import spherical_functions_trigon 

18from yasfpy.functions.t_entry import t_entry 


20from yasfpy.functions.misc import transformation_coefficients 

21from yasfpy.functions.misc import multi2single_index 

22from yasfpy.functions.misc import mutual_lookup 


24from yasfpy.functions.cpu_numba import compute_idx_lookups 

25from yasfpy.functions.cpu_numba import particle_interaction, compute_field 

26from yasfpy.functions.cuda_numba import particle_interaction_gpu, compute_field_gpu 



29class Simulation: 

30 """This class represents the simulation of YASF (Yet Another Scattering Framework). 

31 It contains methods for initializing the simulation, computing lookup tables, and calculating mie coefficients. 

32 """ 


34 def __init__(self, parameters: Parameters, numerics: Numerics): 

35 """ 

36 Initialize the Simulation object. 


38 Args: 

39 parameters (Parameters): The parameters for the simulation. 

40 numerics (Numerics): The numerics for the simulation. 

41 """ 

42 self.parameters = parameters 

43 self.numerics = numerics 


45 self.log = log.scattering_logger(__name__) 

46 self.__setup() 


48 def legacy_compute_lookup_particle_distances(self): 

49 """ 

50 The largest distance between two particles is divided into segments provided by `Numerics.particle_distance_resolution`. 

51 This array is then used as a lookup for the calculation of the spherical Hankel function. 


53 Notes 

54 ----- 

55 This function has been ported from the Matlab Celes framework but is not used by YASF! 

56 """ 

57 # add two zeros at the beginning to allow interpolation 

58 # also in the first segment 

59 step = self.numerics.particle_distance_resolution 

60 maxdist = ( 

61 self.parameters.particles.max_particle_distance 

62 + 3 * self.numerics.particle_distance_resolution 

63 ) 

64 self.lookup_particle_distances = np.concatenate( 

65 (np.array([0]), np.arange(0, maxdist + np.finfo(float).eps, step)) 

66 ) 


68 def legacy_compute_h3_table(self): 

69 """ 

70 Computes the spherical hankel function 

71 at the points calculated in `Simulation.legacy_compute_lookup_particle_distances()`. 


73 Attributes: 

74 h3_table (np.ndarray): Lookup table of the spherical hankel function values at `self.lookup_particle_distances` 


76 Notes: 

77 This function has been ported from the Matlab Celes framework but is not used by YASF! 

78 """ 

79 self.h3_table = np.zeros( 

80 ( 

81 2 * self.numerics.lmax + 1, 

82 self.lookup_particle_distances.shape[0], 

83 self.parameters.medium_refractive_index.shape[0], 

84 ), 

85 dtype=complex, 

86 ) 

87 size_param = np.outer(self.lookup_particle_distances, self.parameters.k_medium) 


89 for p in range(2 * self.numerics.lmax + 1): 

90 self.h3_table[p, :, :] = spherical_jn(p, size_param) + 1j * spherical_yn( 

91 p, size_param 

92 ) 


94 def __compute_idx_lookup(self): 

95 """ 

96 Creates a lookup table with the indices used in further calculations. 

97 The lookup table is created using `compute_idx_lookups` function from `yasfpy.functions.cpu_numba`. 


99 Attributes: 

100 idx_lookup (np.ndarray): Lookup table of the indices to iterate over large arrays. 


102 Notes: 

103 This function utilizes Numba to optimize the computations. 

104 """ 

105 self.idx_lookup = compute_idx_lookups( 

106 self.numerics.lmax, self.parameters.particles.number 

107 ) 


109 def __compute_lookups(self): 

110 """ 

111 Computes various lookup tables for each particle. 


113 Attributes: 

114 sph_j (np.ndarray): Spherical Bessel function lookup table calculated for pair-wise particle distances. 

115 sph_h (np.ndarray): Spherical Hankel function lookup table calculated for pair-wise particle distances. 

116 plm (np.ndarray): Associated Legendre polynomial lookup table calculated for the cosine value of the pairwise particle inclination angles. 

117 e_j_dm_phi (np.ndarray): Exponential function lookup table calculated for the pairwise particle azimuthal angles. 


119 Notes: 

120 This function uses numba ( under the hood to speed up the computations. 

121 """ 

122 lookup_computation_time_start = time() 

123 # TODO: new, could be error prone and is not tested yet! 

124 self.sph_j, self.sph_h, self.e_j_dm_phi, self.plm = mutual_lookup( 

125 self.numerics.lmax, 

126 self.parameters.particles.position, 

127 self.parameters.particles.position, 

128 self.parameters.k_medium, 

129 )[:4] 


131 # lmax = self.numerics.lmax 

132 # particle_number = self.parameters.particles.number 


134 # dists = squareform(pdist(self.parameters.particles.position)) 

135 # ct = np.divide( 

136 # np.subtract.outer( 

137 # self.parameters.particles.position[:, 2], self.parameters.particles.position[:, 2]), 

138 # dists, 

139 # out = np.zeros((particle_number, particle_number)), 

140 # where = dists != 0) 

141 # phi = np.arctan2( 

142 # np.subtract.outer( 

143 # self.parameters.particles.position[:, 1], self.parameters.particles.position[:, 1]), 

144 # np.subtract.outer(self.parameters.particles.position[:, 0], self.parameters.particles.position[:, 0])) 


146 # size_param = np.outer(dists.ravel(), self.parameters.k_medium).reshape( 

147 # [particle_number, particle_number, self.parameters.k_medium.shape[0]]) 


149 # self.sph_h = np.zeros((2 * lmax + 1, particle_number, particle_number, self.parameters.k_medium.shape[0]), dtype=complex) 

150 # self.sph_j = np.zeros_like(self.sph_h) 

151 # self.e_j_dm_phi = np.zeros((4 * lmax + 1, particle_number, particle_number), dtype=complex) 

152 # self.plm = np.zeros(((lmax + 1) * (2 * lmax + 1), 

153 # particle_number, particle_number)) 


155 # for p in range(2 * lmax + 1): 

156 # self.sph_h[p, :, :, :] = np.sqrt( 

157 # np.divide( 

158 # np.pi / 2, 

159 # size_param, 

160 # out=np.zeros_like(size_param), 

161 # where=size_param != 0) 

162 # ) * hankel1(p + 1/2, size_param) 

163 # self.sph_j[p, :, :, :] = spherical_jn(p, size_param) 

164 # self.e_j_dm_phi[p, :, :] = np.exp(1j * (p - 2 * lmax) * phi) 

165 # self.e_j_dm_phi[p + 2 * lmax, :, :] = np.exp(1j * p * phi) 

166 # for absdm in range(p + 1): 

167 # cml = np.sqrt((2 * p + 1) / 2 / 

168 # - absdm + 1, p + absdm + 1))) 

169 # self.plm[p * (p + 1) // 2 + absdm, :, :] = cml * \ 

170 # np.power(-1.0, absdm) * lpmv(absdm, p, ct) 


172 # self.sph_h = np.nan_to_num( 

173 # self.sph_h, nan=0) + np.isnan(self.sph_h) * 1 


175 lookup_computation_time_stop = time() 

176 self.log.scatter( 

177 "Computing lookup tables took %f s" 

178 % (lookup_computation_time_stop - lookup_computation_time_start) 

179 ) 


181 def __setup(self): 

182 """ 

183 An internal setup function called upon object creation. 

184 The following functions are called: 


186 - [__compute_idx_lookups][yasfpy.simulation.Simulation.__compute_idx_lookup] 

187 - [__compute_lookups][yasfpy.simulation.Simulation.__compute_lookups] 

188 """ 

189 self.__compute_idx_lookup() 

190 self.__compute_lookups() 


192 def compute_mie_coefficients(self): 

193 """ 

194 Computes the mie coefficients for the unique pair 

195 of particle radius and the refractive index of the particle. 


197 Attributes: 

198 mie_coefficients (np.ndarray): Mie coefficients table 


200 See Also: 

201 [t_entry][yasfpy.functions.t_entry.t_entry] : T-Matrix entry function 


203 Notes: 

204 Due to the four nested loops (particles, tau, l, and m), 

205 it could be rewritten using `numba` to speed the process up. 

206 """ 

207 self.mie_coefficients = np.zeros( 

208 ( 

209 self.parameters.particles.num_unique_pairs, 

210 self.numerics.nmax, 

211 self.parameters.wavelength.shape[0], 

212 ), 

213 dtype=complex, 

214 ) 


216 self.scatter_to_internal = np.zeros_like(self.mie_coefficients) 


218 for u_i in range(self.parameters.particles.num_unique_pairs): 

219 for tau in range(1, 3): 

220 for l in range(1, self.numerics.lmax + 1): 

221 for m in range(-l, l + 1): 

222 jmult = multi2single_index(0, tau, l, m, self.numerics.lmax) 

223 self.mie_coefficients[u_i, jmult, :] = t_entry( 

224 tau=tau, 

225 l=l, 

226 k_medium=self.parameters.k_medium, 


228 * self.parameters.particles.unique_radius_index_pairs[ 

229 u_i, 1: 

230 ], 

231 radius=np.real( 

232 self.parameters.particles.unique_radius_index_pairs[ 

233 u_i, 0 

234 ] 

235 ), 

236 ) 


238 self.scatter_to_internal[u_i, jmult, :] = t_entry( 

239 tau=tau, 

240 l=l, 

241 k_medium=self.parameters.k_medium, 


243 * self.parameters.particles.unique_radius_index_pairs[ 

244 u_i, 1: 

245 ], 

246 radius=np.real( 

247 self.parameters.particles.unique_radius_index_pairs[ 

248 u_i, 0 

249 ] 

250 ), 

251 field_type="ratio", 

252 ) 


254 def compute_initial_field_coefficients(self): 

255 r""" 

256 Computes initial field coefficients $a_{\\tau ,l,m}$ and $b_{\\tau ,l,m}$. 

257 Depending on the `beam_width`, one of two functions is called: 


259 - [__compute_initial_field_coefficients_wavebundle_normal_incidence][yasfpy.simulation.Simulation.__compute_initial_field_coefficients_wavebundle_normal_incidence], $\\text{beam width} \\in (0, \\infty)$ 

260 - [__compute_initial_field_coefficients_planewave][yasfpy.simulation.Simulation.__compute_initial_field_coefficients_planewave], $\\text{beam width} = 0$ or $\\text{beam width} = \\infty$ 


262 Attributes: 

263 initial_field_coefficients (np.ndarray): Initial field coefficients 

264 """ 

265 self.log.scatter("compute initial field coefficients ...") 


267 if np.isfinite(self.parameters.initial_field.beam_width) and ( 

268 self.parameters.initial_field.beam_width > 0 

269 ): 

270 self.log.scatter("\t Gaussian beam ...") 

271 if self.parameters.initial_field.normal_incidence: 

272 self.__compute_initial_field_coefficients_wavebundle_normal_incidence() 

273 else: 

274 self.log.error("\t this case is not implemented") 

275 else: 

276 self.log.scatter("\t plane wave ...") 

277 self.__compute_initial_field_coefficients_planewave() 


279 self.log.scatter("done") 


281 def compute_right_hand_side(self): 

282 r""" 

283 Computes the right hand side $T \\cdot a_I$ of the equation $M \\cdot b = T \\cdot a_I$. 


285 Attributes 

286 ---------- 

287 right_hand_side : np.ndarray 

288 Right hand side of the equation $M \\cdot b = T \\cdot a_I$ 


290 Notes 

291 ----- 

292 For more information regarding the equation, please refer to the paper by Celes ( 

293 """ 

294 self.right_hand_side = ( 

295 self.mie_coefficients[self.parameters.particles.single_unique_array_idx, :] 

296 * self.initial_field_coefficients 

297 ) 


299 def __compute_initial_field_coefficients_planewave(self): 

300 """The function computes the initial field coefficients for a plane wave based on given parameters 

301 and spherical coordinates. 


303 """ 

304 lmax = self.numerics.lmax 

305 E0 = self.parameters.initial_field.amplitude 

306 k = self.parameters.k_medium 


308 beta = self.parameters.initial_field.polar_angle 

309 cb = np.cos(beta) 

310 sb = np.sin(beta) 

311 alpha = self.parameters.initial_field.azimuthal_angle 


313 # pi and tau symbols for transformation matrix B_dagger 

314 pilm, taulm = spherical_functions_trigon(lmax, beta) 


316 # cylindrical coordinates for relative particle positions 

317 relative_particle_positions = ( 

318 self.parameters.particles.position 

319 - self.parameters.initial_field.focal_point 

320 ) 

321 kvec = np.outer(np.array((sb * np.cos(alpha), sb * np.sin(alpha), cb)), k) 

322 eikr = np.exp(1j * np.matmul(relative_particle_positions, kvec)) 


324 # clean up some memory? 

325 del (k, beta, cb, sb, kvec, relative_particle_positions) 


327 self.initial_field_coefficients = np.zeros( 

328 ( 

329 self.parameters.particles.number, 

330 self.numerics.nmax, 

331 self.parameters.k_medium.size, 

332 ), 

333 dtype=complex, 

334 ) 

335 for m in range(-lmax, lmax + 1): 

336 for tau in range(1, 3): 

337 for l in range(np.max([1, np.abs(m)]), lmax + 1): 

338 n = multi2single_index(0, tau, l, m, lmax) 

339 self.initial_field_coefficients[:, n, :] = ( 

340 4 

341 * E0 

342 * np.exp(-1j * m * alpha) 

343 * eikr 

344 * transformation_coefficients( 

345 pilm, 

346 taulm, 

347 tau, 

348 l, 

349 m, 

350 self.parameters.initial_field.pol, 

351 dagger=True, 

352 ) 

353 ) 


355 def __compute_initial_field_coefficients_wavebundle_normal_incidence(self): 

356 """The function initializes the field coefficients for a wave bundle incident at normal incidence. 


358 TODO: 

359 Implement this function using the celes function [initial_field_coefficients_wavebundle_normal_incidence.m]( 

360 """ 

361 self.initial_field_coefficients = ( 

362 np.zeros( 

363 ( 

364 self.parameters.particles.number, 

365 self.numerics.nmax, 

366 self.parameters.k_medium.size, 

367 ), 

368 dtype=complex, 

369 ) 

370 * np.nan 

371 ) 


373 def coupling_matrix_multiply(self, x: np.ndarray, idx: int = None): 

374 """Computes the coupling matrix `wx` based on the input parameters. 


376 Args: 

377 x (np.ndarray): An input array of shape (n,) or (n, m), where n is the number of particles and m is the number 

378 of features for each particle. This array represents the input data for which the coupling 

379 matrix needs to be computed. 

380 idx (int): An optional integer that specifies the index of a specific spherical harmonic mode. If `idx` is provided, 

381 the computation will only be performed for that specific mode. If `idx` is not provided or set to `None`, 

382 the computation will be performed for all spherical harmonic modes. 


384 Returns: 

385 wx (np.ndarray): An array of shape (n, m, p), where n is the number of particles, m is the number of features for each 

386 particle, and p is the number of wavelengths. It represents the coupling matrix `wx`. 

387 """ 

388 self.log.scatter("prepare particle coupling ... ") 

389 preparation_time = time() 


391 lmax = self.numerics.lmax 

392 particle_number = self.parameters.particles.number 

393 jmax = particle_number * 2 * lmax * (lmax + 2) 

394 wavelengths_size = self.parameters.k_medium.shape[0] 

395 translation_table = self.numerics.translation_ab5 

396 associated_legendre_lookup = self.plm 

397 spherical_hankel_lookup = self.sph_h 

398 e_j_dm_phi_loopup = self.e_j_dm_phi 


400 idx_lookup = self.idx_lookup 


402 if idx != None: 

403 spherical_hankel_lookup = spherical_hankel_lookup[:, :, :, idx] 

404 spherical_hankel_lookup = np.copy( 

405 spherical_hankel_lookup[:, :, :, np.newaxis] 

406 ) 

407 wavelengths_size = 1 


409 self.log.scatter("\t Starting Wx computation") 

410 if self.numerics.gpu: 

411 wx_real = np.zeros(x.shape + (wavelengths_size,), dtype=float) 

412 wx_imag = np.zeros_like(wx_real) 


414 idx_device = cuda.to_device(idx_lookup) 

415 x_device = cuda.to_device(x) 

416 wx_real_device = cuda.to_device(wx_real) 

417 wx_imag_device = cuda.to_device(wx_imag) 

418 translation_device = cuda.to_device(translation_table) 

419 associated_legendre_device = cuda.to_device(associated_legendre_lookup) 

420 spherical_hankel_device = cuda.to_device(spherical_hankel_lookup) 

421 e_j_dm_phi_device = cuda.to_device(e_j_dm_phi_loopup) 


423 threads_per_block = (16, 16, 2) 

424 blocks_per_grid_x = ceil(jmax / threads_per_block[0]) 

425 blocks_per_grid_y = ceil(jmax / threads_per_block[1]) 

426 blocks_per_grid_z = ceil(wavelengths_size / threads_per_block[2]) 

427 blocks_per_grid = (blocks_per_grid_x, blocks_per_grid_y, blocks_per_grid_z) 


429 coupling_matrix_time = time() 

430 particle_interaction_gpu[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block]( 

431 lmax, 

432 particle_number, 

433 idx_device, 

434 x_device, 

435 wx_real_device, 

436 wx_imag_device, 

437 translation_device, 

438 associated_legendre_device, 

439 spherical_hankel_device, 

440 e_j_dm_phi_device, 

441 ) 

442 wx_real = wx_real_device.copy_to_host() 

443 wx_imag = wx_imag_device.copy_to_host() 

444 wx = wx_real + 1j * wx_imag 

445 # particle_interaction.parallel_diagnostics(level=4) 

446 time_end = time() 

447 self.log.scatter( 

448 "\t Time taken for preparation: %f" 

449 % (coupling_matrix_time - preparation_time) 

450 ) 

451 self.log.scatter( 

452 "\t Time taken for coupling matrix: %f" 

453 % (time_end - coupling_matrix_time) 

454 ) 

455 else: 

456 # from numba_progress import ProgressBar 

457 # num_iterations = jmax * jmax * wavelengths 

458 # progress = ProgressBar(total=num_iterations) 

459 # progress = None 

460 wx = particle_interaction( 

461 lmax, 

462 particle_number, 

463 idx_lookup, 

464 x, 

465 translation_table, 

466 associated_legendre_lookup, 

467 spherical_hankel_lookup, 

468 e_j_dm_phi_loopup, 

469 ) 

470 time_end = time() 

471 self.log.scatter( 

472 "\t Time taken for coupling matrix: %f" % (time_end - preparation_time) 

473 ) 


475 if idx != None: 

476 wx = np.squeeze(wx) 


478 return wx 


480 def master_matrix_multiply(self, value: np.ndarray, idx: int): 

481 """Applies a T-matrix to a given value and returns the result. 


483 Args: 

484 value (np.ndarray): The input value for the matrix multiplication operation. 

485 idx (int): The index of the matrix to be multiplied. 


487 Returns: 

488 mx (np.ndarray): The result of the matrix multiplication operation. 


490 """ 

491 wx = self.coupling_matrix_multiply(value, idx) 


493 self.log.scatter("apply T-matrix ...") 

494 t_matrix_start = time() 


496 twx = ( 

497 self.mie_coefficients[ 

498 self.parameters.particles.single_unique_array_idx, :, idx 

499 ].ravel(order="C") 

500 * wx 

501 ) 

502 mx = value - twx 


504 t_matrix_stop = time() 

505 self.log.scatter(f"\t done in {t_matrix_stop - t_matrix_start} seconds.") 


507 return mx 


509 def compute_scattered_field_coefficients(self, guess: np.ndarray = None): 

510 """The function computes the scattered field coefficients using a linear operator and a solver. 


512 Args: 

513 guess (np.ndarray): Optional. The initial guess for the solution of the linear system. If no guess is provided, 

514 the `right_hand_side` variable is used as the initial guess. 


516 """ 

517 self.log.scatter("compute scattered field coefficients ...") 

518 jmax = self.parameters.particles.number * self.numerics.nmax 

519 self.scattered_field_coefficients = np.zeros_like( 

520 self.initial_field_coefficients 

521 ) 

522 self.scattered_field_err_codes = np.zeros(self.parameters.wavelengths_number) 

523 if guess is None: 

524 guess = self.right_hand_side 

525 for w in range(self.parameters.wavelengths_number): 


527 def mmm(x): 

528 return self.master_matrix_multiply(x, w) 


530 A = LinearOperator(shape=(jmax, jmax), matvec=mmm) 

531 b = self.right_hand_side[:, :, w].ravel() 

532 x0 = guess[:, :, w].ravel() 

533 self.log.scatter( 

534 "Solver run %d/%d" % (w + 1, self.parameters.wavelengths_number) 

535 ) 

536 x, err_code =, b, x0) 

537 self.scattered_field_coefficients[:, :, w] = x.reshape( 

538 self.right_hand_side.shape[:2] 

539 ) 

540 self.scattered_field_err_codes[w] = err_code 


542 def compute_fields(self, sampling_points: np.ndarray): 

543 """The function `compute_fields` calculates the field at given sampling points using either CPU or 

544 GPU computation. 


546 Args: 

547 sampling_points (np.ndarray): The numpy array that represents the coordinates of the sampling points. 

548 It should have a shape of `(n, 3)`, where `n` is the number of sampling points and each row 

549 represents the `(x, y, z)` coordinates of a point. 

550 """ 

551 if sampling_points.shape[0] < 1: 

552 self.log.error("Number of sampling points must be bigger than zero!") 

553 return 

554 elif sampling_points.shape[1] != 3: 

555 self.log.error("The points have to have three coordinates (x,y,z)!") 

556 return 


558 # scatter_to_internal_table = np.sum((self.parameters.particles.position[:, np.newaxis, :] - sampling_points[np.newaxis, :, :])**2, axis = 2) 

559 # scatter_to_internal_table = scatter_to_internal_table < self.parameters.particles.r[:, np.newaxis]**2 


561 print("Computing mutual lookup") 

562 ( 

563 _, 

564 sph_h, 

565 e_j_dm_phi, 

566 p_lm, 

567 e_r, 

568 e_theta, 

569 e_phi, 

570 cosine_theta, 

571 sine_theta, 

572 size_parameter, 

573 sph_h_derivative, 

574 ) = mutual_lookup( 

575 self.numerics.lmax, 

576 self.parameters.particles.position, 

577 sampling_points, 

578 self.parameters.k_medium, 

579 derivatives=True, 

580 parallel=False, 

581 ) 

582 pi_lm, tau_lm = spherical_functions_trigon( 

583 self.numerics.lmax, cosine_theta, sine_theta 

584 ) 

585 # print(sph_h.size) 


587 print("Computing field...") 

588 field_time_start = time() 

589 self.sampling_points = sampling_points 

590 if self.numerics.gpu: 

591 print("\t...using GPU") 

592 field_real = np.zeros( 

593 (self.parameters.k_medium.size, sampling_points.shape[0], 3), 

594 dtype=float, 

595 ) 

596 field_imag = np.zeros_like(field_real) 


598 idx_device = cuda.to_device(self.idx_lookup) 

599 size_parameter_device = cuda.to_device(np.ascontiguousarray(size_parameter)) 

600 sph_h_device = cuda.to_device(np.ascontiguousarray(sph_h)) 

601 sph_h_derivative_device = cuda.to_device( 

602 np.ascontiguousarray(sph_h_derivative) 

603 ) 

604 e_j_dm_phi_device = cuda.to_device(np.ascontiguousarray(e_j_dm_phi)) 

605 p_lm_device = cuda.to_device(np.ascontiguousarray(p_lm)) 

606 pi_lm_device = cuda.to_device(np.ascontiguousarray(pi_lm)) 

607 tau_lm_device = cuda.to_device(np.ascontiguousarray(tau_lm)) 

608 e_r_device = cuda.to_device(np.ascontiguousarray(e_r)) 

609 e_theta_device = cuda.to_device(np.ascontiguousarray(e_theta)) 

610 e_phi_device = cuda.to_device(np.ascontiguousarray(e_phi)) 

611 sfc_device = cuda.to_device( 

612 np.ascontiguousarray(self.scattered_field_coefficients) 

613 ) 


615 field_real_device = cuda.to_device(field_real) 

616 field_imag_device = cuda.to_device(field_imag) 


618 threads_per_block = (16, 16, 2) 

619 blocks_per_grid = ( 

620 sampling_points.shape[0], 

621 sph_h.shape[1] * 2 * self.numerics.lmax * (self.numerics.lmax + 2), 

622 self.parameters.k_medium.size, 

623 ) 

624 # blocks_per_grid = tuple( 

625 # [ 

626 # ceil(blocks_per_grid[i] / threads_per_block[i]) 

627 # for i in range(len(threads_per_block)) 

628 # ] 

629 # ) 

630 blocks_per_grid = tuple( 

631 ceil(blocks_per_grid[i] / threads_per_block[i]) 

632 for i in range(len(threads_per_block)) 

633 ) 


635 compute_field_gpu[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block]( 

636 self.numerics.lmax, 

637 idx_device, 

638 size_parameter_device, 

639 sph_h_device, 

640 sph_h_derivative_device, 

641 e_j_dm_phi_device, 

642 p_lm_device, 

643 pi_lm_device, 

644 tau_lm_device, 

645 e_r_device, 

646 e_theta_device, 

647 e_phi_device, 

648 sfc_device, 

649 field_real_device, 

650 field_imag_device, 

651 ) 


653 field_real = field_real_device.copy_to_host() 

654 field_imag = field_imag_device.copy_to_host() 

655 self.scattered_field = field_real + 1j * field_imag 


657 else: 

658 print("\t...using CPU") 

659 self.scattered_field = compute_field( 

660 self.numerics.lmax, 

661 self.idx_lookup, 

662 size_parameter, 

663 sph_h, 

664 sph_h_derivative, 

665 e_j_dm_phi, 

666 p_lm, 

667 pi_lm, 

668 tau_lm, 

669 e_r, 

670 e_theta, 

671 e_phi, 

672 scattered_field_coefficients=self.scattered_field_coefficients, 

673 ) 


675 field_time_stop = time() 

676 self.log.scatter( 

677 f"\t Time taken for field calculation: {field_time_stop - field_time_start}" 

678 )