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1from numba import jit, prange, complex128, float64, int64 


3import numpy as np 

4from scipy.special import spherical_jn, hankel1, lpmv 



7@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) 

8def particle_interaction( 

9 lmax: int, 

10 particle_number: int, 

11 idx: np.ndarray, 

12 x: np.ndarray, 

13 translation_table: np.ndarray, 

14 plm: np.ndarray, 

15 sph_h: np.ndarray, 

16 e_j_dm_phi, 


18 """Calculates the interaction between particles based on their properties and returns the result. 


20 Args: 

21 lmax (int): The maximum value of the angular momentum quantum number `l`. It determines the size of the arrays `plm` and `sph_h`. 

22 particle_number (int): The number of particles in the system. 

23 idx (np.ndarray): A numpy array of shape `(jmax, 5)`, where `jmax` is the total number of interactions between particles. Each row of `idx` represents an interaction and contains the following information: 

24 - s1 (int): The index of the first particle. 

25 - n1 (int): The index of the first particle's property. 

26 - tau1 (int): The tau value of the first particle. 

27 - l1 (int): The l value of the first particle. 

28 - m1 (int): The m value of the first particle. 

29 x (np.ndarray): A numpy array representing the positions of the particles. It has shape `(particle_number,)` and contains the x-coordinates of the particles. 

30 translation_table (np.ndarray): A 3-dimensional numpy array that stores the translation coefficients used in the calculation. It has shape `(n2, n1, p)` where `n2` and `n1` are the indices of the translation coefficients, and `p` is the maximum. 

31 plm (np.ndarray): A numpy array representing the associated Legendre polynomials. It has shape `(pmax * (pmax + 1) // 2, s1max, s2max)`, where `pmax` is the maximum degree of the Legendre polynomials. 

32 sph_h (np.ndarray): A numpy array representing the spherical harmonics. It has shape `(jmax, jmax, channels)`, where `jmax` is the maximum number of particles, `channels` is the number of channels. 

33 e_j_dm_phi (np.ndarray): The parameter `e_j_dm_phi` is not defined in the code snippet you provided. Could you please provide the definition or explanation of what `e_j_dm_phi` represents? 


35 Returns: 

36 wx (np.ndarray): The array `wx`, which represents the result of the particle interaction calculations. 

37 """ 

38 jmax = particle_number * 2 * lmax * (lmax + 2) 

39 channels = sph_h.shape[-1] 


41 wx = np.zeros(x.size * channels, dtype=complex128).reshape(x.shape + (channels,)) 


43 for w_idx in prange(jmax * jmax * channels): 

44 w = w_idx % channels 

45 j_idx = w_idx // channels 

46 j1 = j_idx // jmax 

47 j2 = j_idx % jmax 

48 s1, n1, tau1, l1, m1 = idx[j1, :] 

49 s2, n2, tau2, l2, m2 = idx[j2, :] 


51 if s1 == s2: 

52 continue 


54 delta_tau = np.absolute(tau1 - tau2) 

55 delta_l = np.absolute(l1 - l2) 

56 delta_m = np.absolute(m1 - m2) 


58 val = 0j 

59 for p in range(np.maximum(delta_m, delta_l + delta_tau), l1 + l2 + 1): 

60 val += ( 

61 translation_table[n2, n1, p] 

62 * plm[p * (p + 1) // 2 + delta_m, s1, s2] 

63 * sph_h[p, s1, s2, w] 

64 ) 

65 val *= e_j_dm_phi[m2 - m1 + 2 * lmax, s1, s2] * x[j2] 


67 wx[j1, w] += val 


69 return wx 



72@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, fastmath=True) 

73def compute_idx_lookups(lmax: int, particle_number: int): 

74 """ 

75 The function `compute_idx_lookups` generates an index lookup table for a given `lmax` and 

76 `particle_number` using parallel processing. 


78 Args: 

79 lmax (int): The maximum value of the angular momentum quantum number `l`. It determines the range of values for `l` in the nested loop. 

80 particle_number (int): The number of particles in the system. 


82 Returns: 

83 idx (np.ndarray): A NumPy array `idx` which contains the computed index lookups. 

84 """ 

85 nmax = 2 * lmax * (lmax + 2) 

86 idx = np.zeros(nmax * particle_number * 5, dtype=int64).reshape( 

87 (nmax * particle_number, 5) 

88 ) 


90 for s in prange(particle_number): 

91 for tau in range(1, 3): 

92 for l in range(1, lmax + 1): 

93 for m in range(-l, l + 1): 

94 n = (tau - 1) * lmax * (lmax + 2) + (l - 1) * (l + 1) + l + m 

95 i = n + s * nmax 

96 idx[i, 0] = s 

97 idx[i, 1] = n 

98 idx[i, 2] = tau 

99 idx[i, 3] = l 

100 idx[i, 4] = m 


102 return idx 



105@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True) 

106def compute_scattering_cross_section( 

107 lmax: int, 

108 particle_number: int, 

109 idx: np.ndarray, 

110 sfc: np.ndarray, 

111 translation_table: np.ndarray, 

112 plm: np.ndarray, 

113 sph_h: np.ndarray, 

114 e_j_dm_phi: np.ndarray, 


116 """Calculates the scattering cross section for a given set of input parameters. 


118 Args: 

119 lmax (int): The maximum angular momentum quantum number. It determines the maximum value of `l` in the calculations. 

120 particle_number (int): The number of particles in the system. 

121 idx (np.ndarray): A numpy array of shape `(jmax, 5)`, where `jmax` is the total number of particle pairs. Each row of `idx` represents a particle pair and contains the following information: 

122 - s (int): The index of the first particle. 

123 - n (int): The index of the second particle. 

124 - tau (int): The tau value. 

125 - l (int): The l value. 

126 - m (int): The m value. 

127 sfc (np.ndarray): A numpy array of shape `(s, n, channels)`, where: 

128 translation_table (np.ndarray): A 3-dimensional numpy array that stores the translation coefficients used in the computation of the scattering cross section. It has shape `(n2, n1, p)` where `n2` and `n1` are the number of radial functions for the second and first particles, respectively, and `p` is the order of the Legendre polynomial. 

129 plm (np.ndarray): A numpy array representing the associated Legendre polynomials. It has shape `(pmax * (pmax + 1) // 2, 2, 2)`, where `pmax` is the maximum value of `p` in the loop. 

130 sph_h (np.ndarray): A numpy array of shape `(pmax, s1max, s2max, channels)`. It represents the scattering matrix elements for each combination of `s1`, `s2`, and `p`, where `p` is the order of the Legendre polynomial. 

131 e_j_dm_phi (np.ndarray): A numpy array representing the scattering phase function. It has shape `(2*lmax+1, channels, channels)` and contains complex values. The indices `(j, s1, s2)` represent the angular momentum index `j`, and the spin indices `s1` and `s2`. 


133 Returns: 

134 c_sca_complex (np.ndarray): The complex scattering cross section `c_sca_complex`. 

135 """ 

136 jmax = particle_number * 2 * lmax * (lmax + 2) 

137 channels = sph_h.shape[-1] 


139 c_sca_complex = np.zeros(channels, dtype=complex128) 


141 for j_idx in prange(jmax * jmax): 

142 j1 = j_idx // jmax 

143 j2 = j_idx % jmax 

144 s1, n1, _, _, m1 = idx[j1, :] 

145 s2, n2, _, _, m2 = idx[j2, :] 


147 delta_m = np.absolute(m1 - m2) 


149 p_dependent = np.zeros(channels, dtype=complex128) 

150 for p in range(delta_m, 2 * lmax + 1): 

151 p_dependent += ( 

152 translation_table[n2, n1, p] 

153 * plm[p * (p + 1) // 2 + delta_m, s1, s2] 

154 * sph_h[p, s1, s2, :] 

155 ) 

156 p_dependent *= ( 

157 np.conj(sfc[s1, n1, :]) 

158 * e_j_dm_phi[m2 - m1 + 2 * lmax, s1, s2] 

159 * sfc[s2, n2, :] 

160 ) 


162 c_sca_complex += p_dependent 


164 return c_sca_complex 



167@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True) 

168def compute_radial_independent_scattered_field_legacy( 

169 lmax: int, 

170 particles_position: np.ndarray, 

171 idx: np.ndarray, 

172 sfc: np.ndarray, 

173 k_medium: np.ndarray, 

174 azimuthal_angles: np.ndarray, 

175 e_r: np.ndarray, 

176 e_phi: np.ndarray, 

177 e_theta: np.ndarray, 

178 pilm: np.ndarray, 

179 taulm: np.ndarray, 


181 """Calculates the scattered field for a given set of parameters and returns the result. 


183 Args: 

184 lmax (int): The maximum value of the angular momentum quantum number `l`. It determines the maximum order of the spherical harmonics used in the computation. 

185 particles_position (np.ndarray): An array representing the positions of particles. It has shape `(num_particles, 3)`, where `num_particles` is the number of particles and each row represents the x, y, and z coordinates of a particle. 

186 idx (np.ndarray): An array containing the indices of the particles. It has shape `(jmax, 5)` where `jmax` is the total number of particles. Each row of `idx` represents a particle and contains the following information: 

187 sfc (np.ndarray): A 3-dimensional array representing the scattering form factors. It has dimensions `(s, n, w)`, where: 

188 k_medium (np.ndarray): An array representing the wave number in the medium. It is used in the calculation of the scattered field. 

189 azimuthal_angles (np.ndarray): An array of azimuthal angles, representing the angles at which the scattered field is computed. 

190 e_r (np.ndarray): An array representing the radial component of the electric field. It has shape `(azimuthal_angles.size, 3)`, where `azimuthal_angles.size` is the number of azimuthal angles and 3 represents the three Cartesian components of the electric field. 

191 e_phi (np.ndarray): An array representing the electric field component in the azimuthal direction. It has a shape of `(azimuthal_angles.size, 3)`, where `azimuthal_angles.size` is the number of azimuthal angles and `3` represents the three components of the electric field. 

192 e_theta (np.ndarray): An array representing the electric field component in the theta direction. It has a shape of `(azimuthal_angles.size, 3)`, where `azimuthal_angles.size` is the number of azimuthal angles and `3` represents the three components of the electric field. 

193 pilm (np.ndarray): An array representing the matrix of spherical harmonics coefficients. It has a shape of `(lmax+1, lmax+1, azimuthal_angles.size)`. Each element `pilm[l, m, a]` represents the coefficient of the spherical harmonics for a given `l`, `m`, and azimuthal angle `a`. 

194 taulm (np.ndarray): An array representing the scattering coefficients for each combination of `l`, `m`, and azimuthal angle `a`. It has a shape of `(lmax+1, lmax+1, azimuthal_angles.size)`. The values in `taulm` represent the scattering coefficients. 


196 Returns: 

197 e_1_sca (np.ndarray): An array of complex numbers representing the scattered field. 


199 """ 

200 e_1_sca = np.zeros( 

201 azimuthal_angles.size * 3 * k_medium.size, dtype=complex128 

202 ).reshape((azimuthal_angles.size, 3, k_medium.size)) 

203 jmax = particles_position.shape[0] * 2 * lmax * (lmax + 2) 


205 for global_idx in prange(jmax * azimuthal_angles.size * k_medium.size): 

206 w_idx = global_idx % (jmax * k_medium.size) 

207 g_idx = global_idx // (jmax * k_medium.size) 


209 a = g_idx 


211 w = w_idx % k_medium.size 

212 j_idx = w_idx // k_medium.size 

213 s, n, tau, l, m = idx[j_idx, :] 


215 t = ( 

216 np.power(1j, tau - l - 2) 

217 * sfc[s, n, w] 

218 / np.sqrt(2 * l * (l + 1)) 

219 * np.exp( 

220 1j 

221 * ( 

222 m * azimuthal_angles[a] 

223 - k_medium[w] * np.sum(particles_position[s, :] * e_r[a, :]) 

224 ) 

225 ) 

226 ) 


228 if tau == 1: 

229 e_1_sca[a, :, w] += t * ( 

230 e_theta[a, :] * pilm[l, np.abs(m), a] * 1j * m 

231 - e_phi[a, :] * taulm[l, np.abs(m), a] 

232 ) 

233 else: 

234 e_1_sca[a, :, w] += t * ( 

235 e_phi[a, :] * pilm[l, np.abs(m), a] * 1j * m 

236 + e_theta[a, :] * taulm[l, np.abs(m), a] 

237 ) 


239 return e_1_sca 



242@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True) 

243def compute_electric_field_angle_components( 

244 lmax: int, 

245 particles_position: np.ndarray, 

246 idx: np.ndarray, 

247 sfc: np.ndarray, 

248 k_medium: np.ndarray, 

249 azimuthal_angles: np.ndarray, 

250 e_r: np.ndarray, 

251 pilm: np.ndarray, 

252 taulm: np.ndarray, 


254 """Calculates the electric field components in the theta and phi directions for given input parameters. 


256 Args: 

257 lmax (int): The maximum value of the angular momentum quantum number `l`. It determines the maximum value of `l` for which the calculations will be performed. 

258 particles_position (np.ndarray): The positions of particles. It has shape `(num_particles, 3)`, where `num_particles` is the number of particles and each particle has 3 coordinates (x, y, z). 

259 idx (np.ndarray): A numpy array of shape `(jmax, 5)`, where `jmax` is the total number of particles multiplied by `2 * lmax * (lmax + 2)`. Each row of `idx` represents the indices `(s, n, tau, l, m)`. 

260 sfc (np.ndarray): A 3-dimensional numpy array representing the scattering form factors. It has dimensions `(s, n, w)`. 

261 k_medium (np.ndarray): The wave vector in the medium. It is a numpy array that contains the wave vector values for different frequencies or wavelengths. 

262 azimuthal_angles (np.ndarray): An array representing the azimuthal angles at which the electric field components are computed. It specifies the angles at which the electric field is measured in the azimuthal direction. 

263 e_r (np.ndarray): The unit vector pointing in the direction of the electric field. It is a numpy array of shape `(azimuthal_angles.size, 3)`, where each row corresponds to a different azimuthal angle and the three columns represent the x, y, and z components. 

264 pilm (np.ndarray): A 3-dimensional numpy array of shape `(lmax+1, lmax+1, azimuthal_angles.size)`. It represents the matrix elements of the electric field expansion coefficients for the theta component. The indices `(l, m, a)` correspond to the spherical harmonics. 

265 taulm (np.ndarray): A numpy array that represents the angular momentum coupling coefficients. It has a shape of `(lmax+1, lmax+1, azimuthal_angles.size)`. The first dimension represents the value of `l`, the second dimension represents the value of `m`, and the third dimension represents the azimuthal angle. 


267 Returns: 

268 e_field_theta (np.ndarray): The electric field component in the theta direction. 

269 e_field_phi (np.ndarray): The electric field component in the phi direction. 

270 """ 

271 e_field_theta = np.zeros( 

272 azimuthal_angles.size * k_medium.size, dtype=complex128 

273 ).reshape((azimuthal_angles.size, k_medium.size)) 

274 e_field_phi = np.zeros_like(e_field_theta) 


276 jmax = particles_position.shape[0] * 2 * lmax * (lmax + 2) 


278 for global_idx in prange(jmax * azimuthal_angles.size * k_medium.size): 

279 w_idx = global_idx % (jmax * k_medium.size) 

280 g_idx = global_idx // (jmax * k_medium.size) 


282 a = g_idx 


284 w = w_idx % k_medium.size 

285 j_idx = w_idx // k_medium.size 

286 s, n, tau, l, m = idx[j_idx, :] 


288 t = ( 

289 np.power(1j, tau - l - 2) 

290 * sfc[s, n, w] 

291 / np.sqrt(2 * l * (l + 1)) 

292 * np.exp( 

293 1j 

294 * ( 

295 m * azimuthal_angles[a] 

296 - k_medium[w] * np.sum(particles_position[s, :] * e_r[a, :]) 

297 ) 

298 ) 

299 ) 


301 if tau == 1: 

302 e_field_theta[a, w] += t * pilm[l, np.abs(m), a] * 1j * m 

303 e_field_phi[a, w] -= t * taulm[l, np.abs(m), a] 

304 else: 

305 e_field_theta[a, w] += t * taulm[l, np.abs(m), a] 

306 e_field_phi[a, w] += t * pilm[l, np.abs(m), a] * 1j * m 


308 return e_field_theta, e_field_phi 



311@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True) 

312def compute_polarization_components( 

313 number_of_wavelengths: int, 

314 number_of_angles: int, 

315 e_field_theta: np.ndarray, 

316 e_field_phi: np.ndarray, 


318 """ 

319 Compute the polarization components of electromagnetic fields. 


321 Args: 

322 number_of_wavelengths (int): The number of wavelengths. 

323 number_of_angles (int): The number of angles. 

324 e_field_theta (np.ndarray): The electric field component in the theta direction. 

325 e_field_phi (np.ndarray): The electric field component in the phi direction. 


327 Returns: 

328 degree_of_polarization_tuple (tuple): A tuple containing the following polarization components: 

329 - I (np.ndarray): The total intensity. 

330 - degree_of_polarization (np.ndarray): The degree of polarization. 

331 - degree_of_linear_polarization (np.ndarray): The degree of linear polarization. 

332 - degree_of_linear_polarization_q (np.ndarray): The degree of linear polarization in the Q direction. 

333 - degree_of_linear_polarization_u (np.ndarray): The degree of linear polarization in the U direction. 

334 - degree_of_circular_polarization (np.ndarray): The degree of circular polarization. 

335 """ 

336 # Stokes components 

337 # S = np.zeros(4 * number_of_angles * number_of_wavelengths, dtype=complex128).reshape((4, number_of_angles, number_of_wavelengths)) 

338 I = np.zeros(number_of_angles * number_of_wavelengths, dtype=float64).reshape( 

339 (number_of_angles, number_of_wavelengths) 

340 ) 

341 Q = np.zeros_like(I) 

342 U = np.zeros_like(I) 

343 V = np.zeros_like(I) 


345 for global_idx in prange(number_of_angles * number_of_wavelengths): 

346 w_idx = global_idx % number_of_wavelengths 

347 a_idx = global_idx // number_of_wavelengths 


349 e_field_theta_abs = ( 

350 e_field_theta[a_idx, w_idx].real ** 2 

351 + e_field_theta[a_idx, w_idx].imag ** 2 

352 ) 

353 e_field_phi_abs = ( 

354 e_field_phi[a_idx, w_idx].real ** 2 + e_field_phi[a_idx, w_idx].imag ** 2 

355 ) 

356 e_field_angle_interaction = ( 

357 e_field_theta[a_idx, w_idx] * e_field_phi[a_idx, w_idx].conjugate() 

358 ) 


360 I[a_idx, w_idx] = e_field_theta_abs + e_field_phi_abs 

361 Q[a_idx, w_idx] = e_field_theta_abs - e_field_phi_abs 

362 U[a_idx, w_idx] = -2 * e_field_angle_interaction.real 

363 V[a_idx, w_idx] = 2 * e_field_angle_interaction.imag 


365 degree_of_polarization = np.sqrt(Q**2 + U**2 + V**2) / I 

366 degree_of_linear_polarization = np.sqrt(Q**2 + U**2) / I 

367 degree_of_linear_polarization_q = -Q / I 

368 degree_of_linear_polarization_u = U / I 

369 degree_of_circular_polarization = V / I 


371 return ( 

372 I, 

373 degree_of_polarization, 

374 degree_of_linear_polarization, 

375 degree_of_linear_polarization_q, 

376 degree_of_linear_polarization_u, 

377 degree_of_circular_polarization, 

378 ) 



381@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True) 

382def compute_radial_independent_scattered_field( 

383 number_of_wavelengths: int, 

384 number_of_angles: int, 

385 e_phi: np.ndarray, 

386 e_theta: np.ndarray, 

387 e_field_theta: np.ndarray, 

388 e_field_phi: np.ndarray, 


390 """ 

391 Compute the radial independent scattered field. 


393 Args: 

394 number_of_wavelengths (int): The number of wavelengths. 

395 number_of_angles (int): The number of angles. 

396 e_phi (np.ndarray): The electric field in the phi direction. 

397 e_theta (np.ndarray): The electric field in the theta direction. 

398 e_field_theta (np.ndarray): The electric field theta component. 

399 e_field_phi (np.ndarray): The electric field phi component. 


401 Returns: 

402 e_1_sca (np.ndarray): The computed radial independent scattered field. 

403 """ 

404 e_1_sca = np.zeros( 

405 number_of_angles * 3 * number_of_wavelengths, dtype=complex128 

406 ).reshape((number_of_angles, 3, number_of_wavelengths)) 


408 for global_idx in prange(number_of_angles * number_of_wavelengths): 

409 w = global_idx % number_of_wavelengths 

410 a = global_idx // number_of_wavelengths 


412 e_1_sca[a, :, w] = ( 

413 e_field_theta[a, w] * e_theta[a, :] + e_field_phi[a, w] * e_phi[a, :] 

414 ) 


416 return e_1_sca 



419@jit(parallel=True, forceobj=True) 

420def compute_lookup_tables( 

421 lmax: int, size_parameter: np.ndarray, phi: np.ndarray, cosine_theta: np.ndarray 


423 """ 

424 Compute lookup tables for spherical computations. 


426 Args: 

427 lmax (int): The maximum degree of the spherical harmonics. 

428 size_parameter (np.ndarray): Array of size parameters. 

429 phi (np.ndarray): Array of azimuthal angles. 

430 cosine_theta (np.ndarray): Array of cosine of polar angles. 


432 Returns: 

433 spherical_bessel (np.ndarray): Array of spherical Bessel functions. 

434 spherical_hankel (np.ndarray): Array of spherical Hankel functions. 

435 e_j_dm_phi (np.ndarray): Array of exponential terms. 

436 p_lm (np.ndarray): Array of associated Legendre polynomials. 

437 """ 

438 spherical_hankel = np.zeros( 

439 (2 * lmax + 1) *, dtype=complex 

440 ).reshape((2 * lmax + 1,) + size_parameter.shape) 

441 spherical_bessel = np.zeros_like(spherical_hankel) 

442 e_j_dm_phi = np.zeros( 

443 (4 * lmax + 1) *[:2]), dtype=complex 

444 ).reshape((4 * lmax + 1,) + size_parameter.shape[:2]) 

445 p_lm = np.zeros( 

446 (lmax + 1) * (2 * lmax + 1) *[:2]) 

447 ).reshape(((lmax + 1) * (2 * lmax + 1),) + size_parameter.shape[:2]) 


449 for p in prange(2 * lmax + 1): 

450 spherical_hankel[p, :, :, :] = np.sqrt( 

451 np.divide( 

452 np.pi / 2, 

453 size_parameter, 

454 out=np.zeros_like(size_parameter), 

455 where=size_parameter != 0, 

456 ) 

457 ) * hankel1(p + 1 / 2, size_parameter) 

458 spherical_bessel[p, :, :, :] = spherical_jn(p, size_parameter) 

459 e_j_dm_phi[p, :, :] = np.exp(1j * (p - 2 * lmax) * phi) 

460 e_j_dm_phi[p + 2 * lmax, :, :] = np.exp(1j * p * phi) 

461 for absdm in range(p + 1): 

462 cml = np.sqrt( 

463 (2 * p + 1) / 2 / - absdm + 1, p + absdm + 1)) 

464 ) 

465 p_lm[p * (p + 1) // 2 + absdm, :, :] = ( 

466 cml * np.power(-1.0, absdm) * lpmv(absdm, p, cosine_theta) 

467 ) 


469 return spherical_bessel, spherical_hankel, e_j_dm_phi, p_lm 



472@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) 

473def compute_field( 

474 lmax: int, 

475 idx: np.ndarray, 

476 size_parameter: np.ndarray, 

477 sph_h: np.ndarray, 

478 derivative: np.ndarray, 

479 e_j_dm_phi: np.ndarray, 

480 p_lm: np.ndarray, 

481 pi_lm: np.ndarray, 

482 tau_lm: np.ndarray, 

483 e_r: np.ndarray, 

484 e_theta: np.ndarray, 

485 e_phi: np.ndarray, 

486 scattered_field_coefficients: np.ndarray = None, 

487 initial_field_coefficients: np.ndarray = None, 

488 scatter_to_internal: np.ndarray = None, 


490 """ 

491 Compute the field using the given parameters and coefficients. 


493 Parameters: 

494 lmax (int): The maximum degree of the spherical harmonics. 

495 idx (np.ndarray): The index array containing the values of s, n, tau, l, and m. 

496 size_parameter (np.ndarray): The size parameter array. 

497 sph_h (np.ndarray): The spherical harmonics array. 

498 derivative (np.ndarray): The derivative array. 

499 e_j_dm_phi (np.ndarray): The e_j_dm_phi array. 

500 p_lm (np.ndarray): The p_lm array. 

501 pi_lm (np.ndarray): The pi_lm array. 

502 tau_lm (np.ndarray): The tau_lm array. 

503 e_r (np.ndarray): The e_r array. 

504 e_theta (np.ndarray): The e_theta array. 

505 e_phi (np.ndarray): The e_phi array. 

506 scattered_field_coefficients (np.ndarray, optional): The scattered field coefficients array. Defaults to None. 

507 initial_field_coefficients (np.ndarray, optional): The initial field coefficients array. Defaults to None. 

508 scatter_to_internal (np.ndarray, optional): The scatter to internal array. Defaults to None. 


510 Returns: 

511 field (np.ndarray): The computed field array. 

512 """ 

513 jmax = sph_h.shape[1] * 2 * lmax * (lmax + 2) 

514 channels = sph_h.shape[-1] 


516 field = np.zeros(channels * sph_h.shape[2] * 3, dtype=complex128).reshape( 

517 (channels, sph_h.shape[2], 3) 

518 ) 


520 if (scattered_field_coefficients is None) and (initial_field_coefficients is None): 

521 print( 

522 "At least one, scattered field or initial field coefficients, need to be given." 

523 ) 

524 print("Returning a zero array") 

525 return field 


527 for w_idx in prange(2 * lmax * (lmax + 2) *[1:]))): 

528 w = w_idx % channels 

529 j_idx = w_idx // channels 

530 sampling_idx = j_idx // jmax 

531 j_idx = j_idx % jmax 

532 s, n, tau, l, m = idx[j_idx, :] 


534 invariant = ( 

535 1 / np.sqrt(2 * (l + 1) * l) * e_j_dm_phi[m + 2 * lmax, s, sampling_idx] 

536 ) 

537 # Calculate M 

538 if tau == 1: 

539 c_term_1 = ( 

540 1j 

541 * m 

542 * pi_lm[l, np.abs(m), s, sampling_idx] 

543 * e_theta[s, sampling_idx, :] 

544 ) 

545 c_term_2 = tau_lm[l, np.abs(m), s, sampling_idx] * e_phi[s, sampling_idx, :] 

546 c_term = sph_h[l, s, sampling_idx, w] * (c_term_1 - c_term_2) 


548 field[w, sampling_idx, :] += ( 

549 scattered_field_coefficients[s, n, w] * invariant * c_term 

550 ) 

551 # Calculate N 

552 else: 

553 p_term = ( 

554 l 

555 * (l + 1) 

556 / size_parameter[s, sampling_idx, w] 

557 * sph_h[l, s, sampling_idx, w] 

558 * p_lm[l, np.abs(m), s, sampling_idx] 

559 * e_r[s, sampling_idx, :] 

560 ) 

561 # p_term = l * (l + 1) / size_parameter[s, sampling_idx, w] 

562 # p_term *= sph_h[l, s, sampling_idx, w] 

563 # p_term *= p_lm[l, np.abs(m), s, sampling_idx] 

564 # p_term *= e_r[s, sampling_idx, :] 


566 b_term_1 = ( 

567 derivative[l, s, sampling_idx, w] / size_parameter[s, sampling_idx, w] 

568 ) 

569 b_term_2 = ( 

570 tau_lm[l, np.abs(m), s, sampling_idx] * e_theta[s, sampling_idx, :] 

571 ) 

572 b_term_3 = ( 

573 1j 

574 * m 

575 * pi_lm[l, np.abs(m), s, sampling_idx] 

576 * e_phi[s, sampling_idx, :] 

577 ) 

578 b_term = b_term_1 * (b_term_2 + b_term_3) 


580 field[w, sampling_idx, :] += ( 

581 scattered_field_coefficients[s, n, w] * invariant * (p_term + b_term) 

582 ) 


584 return field